Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Welcome to Nan Z's ! Some of you may know us as "the hottest buns in town", here in Manchester, Vermont. We've had our wonderful little hot dog stand downtown for the past 25 years, with no end in sight! Our customers now include second generation hot doggers, being the children of the kids we served way back then. It's been an incredible and rewarding experience to keep a business running for this amount of time, and still love it. Our only regret is that we didn't keep a journal during those years to record the thousands of funny and/or touching moments that occurred at that little cart.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with us, we serve a variety of tasty food. We use Boars' Head natural casing hot dogs, German bratwurst, and spicey hot sausage; as well as turkey franks, and a delicious grilled chicken sandwich. Most of our toppings are homemade in our own kitchen and include our signature spicey cooked onions.

By popular demand, these onions are now for sale by the jar, at our cart or by mail order. The response has been amazing! We may need a bigger kitchen. Who knew?

This is our first official blog; please come back often to see new additions, including photos and catering information (yes, we do parties!) In the meantime, you can reach us via email at hotbuns@comcast.net or at 802-362-3532.


  1. You're a hostile butch cunt who deserves to be reported for multiple violations involving cross-contamination. Consider it pending.

    We also witnessed your disrespectful treatment of an older man today, too. You should be ashamed of yourself. You don't tell someone to "Go away!" just because they aren't buying something, and simply asking a few courteous questions.
